I'm pretty tired out today. I missed my ride to the university this morning so had to take public transportation. After I met with some professors (they were expecting me last week but I couldn't get ahold of them then) I decided to go to a government office downtown. All in all I took 7 different taptaps or camionettes today--very tiring! I was in some unfamiliar territory and many kind people along the way helped me out with directions. I had one bad experience: I crossed a street to buy something to drink and ended up in the midst of a crowd of about 35 men, two of whom were meanly trying to get me to buy drinks for them, which I ended up doing. Nothing happened, but it was not a good situation.I met a geographer who works at the Ministry of Agriculture. He was very interested to talk with me and had all sorts of knowledge to give me for my project--including the location and scale and origin of the 1986 aerial photographs I've been looking for for over a year. I thoroughly enjoyed talking with him. He knows of Clark U and Pierre.I also found in the Ministry of Planning's library a 2000 report on Fond Verrettes that I've been searching for. I'd still like to get a copy for myself.I tried to get in contact with a priest in Croix-des-Missions whom I'm told may be able to put me in touch with the priest in Fond Verrettes. (And he may be able to give us a place to stay there.) I'll try him again tomorrow. I also tried to meet with the Director of the Water and Forest Service, but he was teaching a class. I wanted to ask him if he could help us out with transportation to the study site.Tomorrow I will hopefully get a ride to Damien with the Vice-Dean and then have a meeting with Prof Richmond, Director of the Dept of Natural Resources and Environment, and some students.
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